It’s a tale (tail? lol) as old as time — a father claims he doesn’t want a pet, the family inevitably gets a pet, and within a couple of days, the father and that cat or dog are inseparable.
It’s basically science. Pets and dads have lots of things in common — falling asleep on the couch, wandering around the house, having a nice little snack. Literally, a match made in heaven. So, here are 16 dads who said they didn’t want a dog or cat, but actually ended up having a new furry best friend:
1.This dad who lasted literally one day before he caved, made a new best friend, AND named him:
2.This dad who could not have had a harder fall from “I hate cats” to “I bought my boy Elio a custom door mat so everyone knows he runs this house”:
3.This dad who swearssss the dog asked him for some of his popsicles to cool down, and that he did not, in fact, offer to share his own popsicles with the dog:
4.This dad who went from “no dogs in the house” to “these are my babies, and I WILL feed them out of my hand”:
5.This dad who hated his dog soooo much, he let them wear his sunglasses and did a mini photoshoot:
6.This dad who felt soooo strongly about not wanting a dog, he certainly didn’t go to the pet store and buy four different kinds of food so the pup had options:
7.This dad who honestly did not stand a chance and is undeniably this dog’s favorite person:
8.This dad who gave his cat the ultimate sign of approval (their very own seat at the table, including a plate):
9.This dad who wanted nothinggggg to do with this cat, but now literally cannot lounge on the couch without sitting next to his bestie and giving them some nice pats:
10.This dad who routinely plans FaceTime calls between him, his dog, and his daughter:
11.This dad who met his perfect match (a photogenic pup who loved taking his picture taken as much as he loved taking it):
12.This dad and dog who bonded over their mutual love of having a nice, peaceful moment outside:
13.This dad who wouldn’t let a window stop him from giving his sweet pup a smooch:
14.And finally, this dad who wanted to clarify that not wanting a dog in his home did not, in fact, include outside areas like a hot tub: